Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Watch Dish TV After Recharge Period

Tricks For Watching Dish TV After Recharge Period

 Is it possible to continue viewing channel through dish tv after the recharge period without making any payment???

i know your ans: will be a " NO "

but there is a solution 

experiments in progress.....

NO CCCam .........NO CARDSHARING ................NO on your same dishtv stb 

it can be done with some simple steps on your dishtv stb(its secret).
This is working on my dishtv arion stb'
my next recharge date was 11--11--2012

normally it will loose channels after the next recharge date

after applying a small trick....
, till now(14--11-2012) i am getting full channels in my package as before as

experiments in progress...................
will update details after the success
(need to check the trick will work on how many days)

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